Advanced Manufacturıng

Advanced Materials Science and Engineering and High Tech Device Applications (October 24-26, Ankara, Turkiye)

“Advanced Materials Science and Engineering and High Tech Device Applications”

Manufacturing and metal forming technologies are widely used in today’s industry. In manufacturing technologies, studies on machinability and the development of new cutting tools come to the forefront for the machining of different materials. Therefore, many studies have been carried out on the effects of machining parameters and the development of new cutting tools. In the manufacturing area, nontraditional production methods are widely used as well as traditional methods. Automation systems and expert systems are also frequently used in industrial applications and much research is made on these subjects. Papers that leverage advances in the following topics are welcome for the Advanced Manufacturing Session;
Main topics include:
 Manufacturing
 Machinability
 Cutting Parameters
 Plastic deformation
 Sheet metal forming
 Die and mold design
 Nontraditional production methods
 New materials for the manufacturing industry
 Artificial intelligence
 New designs for industrial parts and systems
 Automation systems
 Hydraulic/pneumatic

 Welding / Joinnig and related processes


Prof. Dr. Hakan GURUN , Prof. Dr. Gokhan KUCUKTURK , and Assoc. Prof. GÜLTEKİN UZUN

Session Chairs