Useful Informatıon

Advanced Materials Science and Engineering and High Tech Device Applications (October 24-26, Ankara, Turkiye)

Submit your extended abstract and/or full-text paper

According to ICMATSE paper submission rules, the authors can either submit a full-text paper or an abstract to the Conference till the deadlines (September 15th 2024 for Abstract, October 3nd for full-text). If the author submits an abstract, his/her extended abstract will be put into the abstract part of the Proceedings. In the case of full-text paper submission, it will be included into the paper part of the Proceedings. Additional deadline for full-text papers will not be given if the authors would like to change their abstract to the full-text paper. Please do not remove abstracts from system. For this, they are kindly requested to upload to the full text on the deadline (on October 3nd 2024) by using supplimentary materials.

Please note that all abstracts and papers will be blind double peer-reviewed by the independent scientific committee members. A signed acceptance letter will be sent to the authors after the reviewing process.

After the Conference, the committee will score all the papers. Aside from the peer review, the presentation quality is one of the factor to evaluate the papers for the special issue (SI) journals or post conference publishing. All the presented papers will be evaluated to selection for the journals and the announced at this web-site in 1 month after the conference.

NOTE: Each registered author can submit maximal 2 papers. For the second paper should be paid by 50 Euros.

Please do not forget to make your online registration and payment. Without payment, your online submission is not valid. The payment date is the date that the payment arrives at the bank account of the organizing committee (icmatse bank account).

By submitting the manuscript for publication, the authors transfer the copyright of their manuscripts to the Conference. Should the papers contain figures or tables taken from other sources, it is taken for granted that the authors have solicited the respective permissions for reproduction from the corresponding publishers.

Style Files for Full-text Papers/Abstract and Dimensions of the Posters

– If you wish to submit an ABSTRACT please CLICK template in order to download the Conference Abstract Style File.

– If you wish to submit a FULL-TEXT PAPER, please CLICK template in order to download the Conference Full-text Paper Style File. Full text paper template is the same as abstract template. Full text paper should include abstract, introduction, materials and method, results and discussion, results and references.

Use only this “word” format to write your manuscript and do not forget to write your permanent e-mail address into the file. Use the long forms for the author names.

– We recommend that you give the file name as follows:


Where, Ates is surname, AM is Topic group (Advance Materials), 01 is first paper of the author in Advanced Materials.


Where, Ates is surname, TF is Topic group (e.g. Thin Films), 02 is second paper of the author in Thin films.


Where, Apes is surname, EI is Topic group (e.g. Energy I), 02 is second paper of the author in Energy I.

The optimal POSTER SIZE is determined to be A1 size (594×841 mm).

Online Paper/Abstract Submission

First CLICK submission button or simply write “” to your internet browser.

1. Then, make a new user registry and upload your paper/abstract by following the instructions. PLEASE RECORD SOMEWHERE YOUR LOGIN and PASS, ORHERWISE YOU CANNOT LOGIN THERE for the NEXT TIME.

2. You can also make slight changes in your paper/abstract after you upload your paper or abstract. For this, simply use your password and login. You can upload either full-text or abstract of your study, which is written in word (.DOC) format.
Please note that the maximal page range for the abstracts is 1 page.

How to replace your abstract file with your full-text paper?

In order to upload the full-paper, initially CLICK submission button or simply write “” internet browser. And please use supplimentary materials button.

Then, you first log into the management system with your EARLIER E-MAIL ADDRESS. In the panel, simply click “Manage Submission File” to UPLOAD the 5-6 paged full-text paper in DOC OR DOCX form.

If you would like to make a new paper submission (if the deadline is not over), you should click on “Create A New Paper Submission”. 

Related to Online presentations

It is possible to make an online presentation at the conference. Similarly, abstract and full text submissions will be made. In addition, the request to make an online presentation will be specified. And please SEND YOUR VIDEO RECORD to conference e-mail address [email protected]